... a matter of talk but of power. As I constantly tweak this website, replacing bad grammar with further typos - will it ever end?! I conclude, I'm doomed.
For as the apostle Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 4:20 For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power. This entire website is made up of words. Most of those words encouraging you to download or purchase MORE words.
But there's a light... a glimmer of hope - if I pray. For the Bible is words, His Words, inspired God-breathed words. And way way back before there was much of a before, He breathed into humanity that life-giving breath.
Therefore, as I begin this new initiative of remote resourcing and online discipling, I pray! I pray, for His gracious and boundless Presence to hover over these words, these pages, these resources. Where there is still darkness, where this site is still void and without shape, or in need of an effective spelling and grammar checker... Holy Spirit hover. Word of God speak, light, life, shape, wholeness, purpose, and say - it is good.
Let us not be hearers (or readers) of biblical insights but doers also - otherwise we simply deceive ourselves. Filling our heads, but failing to engage our spirits. Jesus told us, true worshippers worship in spirit and in truth. Therefore all discipleship, is a form of worship, as we seek to limit our agenda (like a sacrifice) in order to discover His good, perfect and pleasing will. To submit my body for God's glory, to be equipped, trained, empowered and anointed in my Kingdom tasks, as a lover of Jesus and a herald of His Good News.
Dear Lord, let my reading, my enquiring mind and my mixed motives, come under Your Spirit - may I soar on eagles wings as I unpack truths and revisit Scriptural promises that will renew my spirit and encourage me to once again, fan into flame my first love by reigniting my zeal for You and Your Presence within my life to give me Spirit enhanced, power, love and a sound mind.
May all who engage with the Kingdom Academy find more than just words - but power too. God's anointing and envisioning power to see His Kingdom come, advance, heal and save. Amen.