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Writer's pictureSimon Rennie


Updated: Aug 17, 2024

Why Charismata VI..? Well, I've been pondering the Charismatic-Pentecostal waves, movements, bandwagons, et al, over the last century, though in particular, in recent decades. These blogs will reference some church history, but mainly trace my own spiritual journey and reflective insights. The highs and lows, the controversies and excesses, the misunderstandings, the grieving, quenching, and infilling - the freedom, the joys, the abundance of life, the insights and divine revelations, the heavenly courts and joining in with the angels - lost in wonder, love and praise.

From a weird, yet unforgettable, night in a Baptist Church back in 1977, where as a fifteen-year-old, I encountered something of the excesses and manipulation of speaking in tongues, to my own charismatic awakening, weeks later, in the private and hype-less environment of my bedroom. Prophecy soon followed, though I had no language or even the Scriptures to explain it at that time (much has changed since - Praise God!). Then to a far better unforgettable evening, when I was gloriously slain in the Spirit (December, 1984) set free, released, infilled, empowered... though at the time, I just laughed uncontrollably for the next three hours. Life-changing.

I didn't know it, but I was between 'waves'. Did it matter? Not particularly, the Old Testament only states that one of the twelve tribes was gifted in discerning the spiritual times (the seasons), but like the tribe of Issachar, we still need those who can help the wider community to prepare, and interpret, the seasons we're in.

As I examine at least five charismatic waves, I find some concern (or perhaps just disappointment?) as I seek to discern the sixth - Charismata VI - Humanity's Flaws. A season where human creativity can so easily eclipse God's activity.

Good news. I live in a place where physical rainfall is very localised. An eight minute walk to the local shops, and it can be sunny and dry. Whilst at home, its pouring down, with a thunderous sound! So, grace still wins the day - Amen. And where there's a dry season for some, a place of isolated showers, you may have the blessing of a prolonged Holy Spirit downpour - Hallelujah! These downpours, as in most of church history, generally happen at special events, specific meetings, conferences, or simply anywhere His hungry disciples eagerly gather without a clock! Hmm, sweet memories, of visiting angels, tears, laugher, deliverance and lasting transformation. But most of church life, be it on a Sunday or even in the supposed freedom of a midweek meeting - Does the Spirit truly minister? Are we charismatic in content and structure, or is it just a label that describes some aspect of our theology, or worse, simply an aspiration?

Come on a journey with me this Fall (deliberate use of an Americanism for the spiritual context) and discover how the Holy Spirit has been loosed and grieved in the past 100 years, how you can join in, and fan back into flame your personal or community's dying embers, in order to re-engage with God's Kingdom agenda of words, power and transformation.

Sounds good to me - bring it on! - part 2/7 is right here.

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