Holistic Spirituality
Welcome to a 12-part series of personal discipleship and spiritual maturity. In this course we'll be examining our biblical identity 'in Christ Jesus', and a breadth of Christian fellowship, not only one with another, but with God and His Words. Finally we'll look at Kingdom ministry it's values and how we can join in.
But first, why the boiling kettle?
All will be revealed in Session 1 | Think. This course is based on 12 talks Simon put together during the UK's National Pandemic Lockdown during the Spring & Summer of 2020 entitled, Think God. As the course introduction states, spirituality is more caught than taught. Therefore, take your time as you work through the sessions, try and turn the information into application, let it not only inform you but transform you. Stay close to God - pray on all occasions, using all sorts of prayers.
The single link will take you to the YouTube Playlist for the netire course. I'm praying these sessions will be helpful, beneficial, challenging and stretching, but most of all - spiritually maturing.